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About Me

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Welcome to Magic Playhouse, the special little space in my life where magic happens everyday. My name is Rowena and apart from being a full time mum to my 6 yr old daughter, I love all things creative and artistic. We are a waldorf inspired family and hence we incorporate anthroposophical impulses as best we can into our home and lives. My original intention with Magic Playhouse was to create and sell natural material toys and biblical Story in a BagTM kits for pre-schoolers. I run the preschool children’s ministry in our community parish. I use many homemade props to facilitate my story telling with the kids and I noticed that the kids are able to grasp the stories quick and remember it much better when simple props are used. They also enjoy reenacting the story for me several times (just so that they get a chance to use the props). That triggered the birth of my Story in a BagTM kits.

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text css_animation=”none”]My interest in Anthroposophy and Waldorf education began when I was pregnant. Prior that, I had some idea of it but my heart and soul was imbedded fully into a jet set corporate life with not a moment to breathe let alone create anything beyond presentations, board meeting dockets and spread sheets.  It’s been 7 years now since I gave up the corporate career for being a full time mother and it is only now that I feel I have discovered my true self, my inner being.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text css_animation=”none”]Creating this Website and starting a Facebook or Instagram account were not something that came to me naturally. I am most often than not, a very private person and social media and the internet have always troubled me. But I enjoy creating toys for children and I was drawn to share my love of Waldorf inspired handwork alongside selling simple religion and festivity story kits for children. It is not so easy to bring religion to little ones without instilling fear in them. My belief is that they should enjoy the story, playing it out, letting their imagination flow, and allowing them to choose to take into their being whatever they wish to from the stories. I keep the stories short, using simple words. The props are warm, soft to touch and gentle on the eyes allowing the child to fully immerse in his play.  As I began the journey of creating these story kits and making a website to sell them, I found myself wanting to share other anthroposophical ideas that I realise also “inspire” the Waldorf pedagogy and would be of interest to mothers all over and hence the blog began too. I am no expert on the subject, just a mom willing to share things that I have learned from my experiences and interactions.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]